The Daily Mail asked me earlier this week, I said – “Since ‘God moves in a mysterious way’, I am surprised more men don’t think the Deity is female.” I don’t know how one deals with such a question, but my husband had a go in his song In the Name of the Mother, which […]
Life no longer begins at 40, more’s the pity. Once when a woman reached that age her children would be grown, and she’d have spare time available to think about her looks and her own pleasure and interests. She was expected to be married and a mother by the age of 23 – and if […]
The UK’s total fertility rate is 1.82, way below replacement rate of 2.1. Our population is shrinking. Not so fast as in some other European countries, though, where the overall rate is 1.59. Today’s average household size in the UK is 2.3 persons. 50 years ago it was 5. Ask around to find out why […]
I asked my mother – born in 1908 – why there were so few women in public life and she replied: ‘because they spend so much time combing their hair and looking in mirrors.’ I asked my father, a doctor – born in 1889 – and he replied: ‘because they have a space in their […]
What drove me to feminism fifty years ago was the myth that men were the breadwinners and women kept house and looked pretty. Male work colleague to me: You mustn’t take promotion. It’s taking the bread out of a working man’s mouth. Female Tax inspector to me: But you’re a married woman. What you earn […]